The discussions around women’s health have been in the spotlight recently, especially with the controversy surrounding the use of birth control pills and other methods that emerged due to the rising cases of chronic health issues such as Endometriosis, PCOS, and Ovarian Cancer.
Trust us when we say that it wouldn’t be the first time that we felt a sense of dread going to the gynecologist’s office and coming out feeling confused, sad, and lost with the diagnosis you received.
After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Dr. Alicia Newsome‘s life changed, and this became a turning point in her career that made her turn to functional medicine, questioning the methods used in treating women’s health concerns.
Over time, Newsome sought more information and knowledge by surrounding herself with people with similar experiences and philosophical beliefs. “I wouldn’t say it just was something that happened overnight. Eventually, I realized that I don’t need to be on birth control and that, in the long run, it isn’t good for my hormones. So, I went off from that, and then it’s been a lifelong journey.’
Throughout her experience and practice as a doctor, she always consumed new research that benefits her patients and herself. For several years now, Dr. Newsome hasn’t relied on medication; that statement alone can surprise others, simply because while it is common knowledge that there are ways to naturally prevent the disease from occurring, and it all begins with your lifestyle choices, people have a tendency of relying on the convenience of medication to the point that it does mask the problem instead of healing it.
‘It’s a lifelong journey; I admit that there are times that my health wasn’t the greatest because of how my work-life balance was, where I wasn’t being mindful about what I eat and how much I moved, but when it comes to going back to a routine, it’s always about consistency and being mindful about not letting it slip through that way anyway.’
Dr. Newsome’s medical philosophy balances advanced medical practices and alternative holistic beliefs that focus on tackling the root of the problem. This, of course, is one of the most prevalent social issues in America, and it has caught the international community’s attention.
While access to emergency treatments is readily available, the problem begins when certain types of medications are being used as a band-aid rather than imposing lifestyle changes, behavioral modifications, and detoxification. ‘All of those are important; there is no problem with taking medicine that is meant to stabilize your condition if it is dire, but implementing changes to your entire routine and diet is a big factor if you want to improve your body’s immune system then it needs to begin with a holistic approach that works because the body is designed to heal itself.’
After realizing what kind of impact she was having on her patients, Dr. Newsome decided to share her knowledge with others by constantly putting herself out there. She started a community called Powerful and Healthy Academy, which helps career women make the world better while being extraordinarily healthy. ‘The academy began as a way to help other successful women recognize their power from within however without our health, none of that matters because, at some point, we don’t take care of it, and when the symptoms of a disease show up, it delineates us from the progress we made. ‘That’s why I want women to be powerful and healthy because when we take care of ourselves, we can do what we are meant for in this in life.’
Doctors will tell us that it is essential to have a well-balanced diet, but since the new wave of health kicks in, there are plenty of those around, and it’s challenging to comprehend which one works for you. Others have sworn on Keto, fruitarian, and vegan diets attributed to their bodily changes. For Dr. Newsome, however, it’s about knowing the basics, such as ‘Adding good healthy fats helps build hormones within your body, and it’s also good for the brain and heart.
She further iterates that it’s all about consistency; having a good diet does not mean that it’s time to switch to something tasteless or disagreeable to our palates. It’s about ensuring we eat the proper nutrients to help balance things. While it’s easier said than done, it can work even if it takes time. Then again, this applies to almost all aspects of our life here on Earth. The best way to describe this is to cut off a slew of harmful and toxic friendships while surrounding yourself with the best people that you have.
‘When our cells get inflamed, nutrients can’t enter our body, and toxins can’t escape. And that includes even hormone receptors attaching to those cells. We want not to cause inflammation in our body with seed oils because they cause inflammation, and good fats help reduce that.
For women asking about what to do, Dr. Alicia stresses the importance of getting tested. ‘it’s important to know what’s happening to address the root cause of your symptoms.’ Regarding guiding her clients, Newsome devised a strategic way to ensure she would work with women in various economic situations locally or worldwide. Surprisingly enough, it opened a path for everyone to access functional medicine on a global scale. This feat is striking and innovative, especially with the current digital economy, wherein access is a critical factor in locking in new clients.
For more on Dr. Alicia, check
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